Jumat, 22 November 2013


I.            Expressing Pain, Relief, and Pleasure

A.    Expressing Relief
When we have problem, then we can solve it, we will feel relief. In other situation, when we feel worried about something that we will face, and then we can face it, we will also feel relief. A relief is lessening or ending of pain and worry.
·         Thank goodnees!
·         Thank heavens!
·         What a relief!
·         I’m glad about…!
·         It’s great relief!
·         Whew!
B.    Pain
When we get sick, we must feel pain on our part of our body. When we get an accident, and we get injured because of it, we must feel pain
·         It’s very painful. I can’t stand it.
·         The pain hurt me very much.
·         That hurts!
·         Oh, my headaches.
·         It hurts me so much.
C.     Pleasure
Expressing Pleasure: expressing enjoyment, happiness or satisfaction.
Use to express pleasure, showing one’s feeling of happiness.
·         Great!
·         Terrific!
·         Fantastic!
·         I’m pleased.

·         I enjoyed it.

Nama Latin Tulang


Nama latin tulang di tengkorak
  • Bagian tempurung otak
1 Tulang dahi : frontal
2 Tulang ubun-ubun: parietal
2 Tulang kepala belakang: osipital
2 Tulang pelipis : temporal
2 Tulang pipi : zigomatik
2 Tulang baji : sphenoid
2 Tulang rahang bawah : mandibula
2 Tulang rahang atas : maksila
2 tulang lapisan : ethmoidale 

  • Bagian wajah
2 Tulang air mata : lakrimal
2 Tulang idung : nasal
2 Tulang langit-langit : pallatum
1 Tulang mata bajak : vomer
1 Tulang lidah : hyodeus

Nama Latin Tulang badan
  • tulang belakang
7 ruas leher : vertebrata cervikalis
12 tulang punggung : vertebrta thoracal
5 ruas tulang pinggang : vert lumbales
5 ruas tulang kelangkang : sakrum
4 Ruas tulang ekor : vert coccigis
  • tulang dada
bagian hulu : manubrium stemi
bagian badan : corvus stemi
taju pedang : xiphoid prosesus
  • tulang rusuk
7 pasang sejati : costa vera
3 pasang palsu : costa spuria
2 pasang melayang : costa fluktuantes
  • tulang bahu
2 Tulang selangka : klavikula
2 Tulang belikat : skapikula

  • gelang panggul
2 Tulang usus : ilium
2 Tulang kemaluan : pubis
2 Tulang duduk : iscium

Nama Latin Tulang anggota gerak
  • lengan 
Tulang lengan atas : humerus
Tulang pengumpil : radius
Tulang hasta: ulna
Tulang pergelangan tangan : karpal
Tulang telapak tangan : metakarpal
Tulang jari-jari tangan : falanges
  • tungkai/kaki
Tulang paha : femur
Tulang tempurung lutut : patela
Tulang kering : tibia
Tulang betis : fibula
Tulang pergelangan kaki : tarsus
Tulang telapak kaki : metatarsus
Tulang jari-jari kaki : falanges



 What is pop-up? The term pop-up book is often applied to any three-dimensional or movable book, although properly the umbrella term movable book covers pop-ups,transformations, tunnel books, volvelles, flaps, pull-tabs, pop-outs, pull-downs, and more, each of which performs in a different manner. Also included, because they employ the same techniques, are three-dimensional greeting cards.

The artistic aspect of paper engineering is related to origami in that the two arts both employ folded paper. However, origami in its simplest form doesn't use scissors or glue and tends to be made with very foldable paper; by contrast, pop-ups rely more on glue, cutting, and stiff card stock. What they have in common is folding.Design and creation of such books in arts is sometimes called "paper engineering". This usage should not be confused with traditional paper engineering, the engineering of systems to mass-produce paper products.

Transformations show a scene made up of vertical slats. When a reader pulls a tab on the side, the slats slide under and over one another to "transform" into a totally different scene. Ernest Nister, one of the early English children's book authors, often produced books solely of transformations. Many of these have been reproduced by the Metropolitan Museum of Art.


Volvelles are paper constructions with rotating parts. An early example is the Astronomicum Caesareum, by Petrus Apianus, which was made for the Holy Roman Emperor Charles in 1540. The book is full of nested circular pieces revolving on grommets.

Tunnel books (also called peepshow books) consist of a set of pages bound with two folded concertina strips on each side and viewed through a hole in the cover. Openings in each page allow the viewer to see through the entire book to the back, and images on each page work together to create a dimensional scene inside. This type of book dates from the mid-18th century and was inspired by theatrical stage sets. Traditionally, these books were often created to commemorate special events or sold as souvenirs of tourist attractions. (The term "tunnel book" derives from the fact that many of these books were made to commemorate the building of the tunnel under the Thames River in London in the mid-19th century.) In the United States, tunnel books were made for such attractions as World's Fairs and the New York Botanical Gardens.
Recently the tunnel book format has been resurrected by book artist Carol Barton and others as a sculptural book form. Artists are interested not only in the book's interior views, but also in treating the side accordions and covers as informational and visual surfaces.

Biologi - SEL


Teori sel:
·         “sel merupakan kesatuan dan unit structural m.h”(Jacob Schleiden dan Theodore Schwann).
·         “sel merupakan kesatuan fungsional m.h” (Max Schultze)
·         “sel merupakan kesatuan pertumbuhan m.h” dan “sel berasal dari sel yang ada sebelumnya” (Rudolf Virchow)
·         “sel merupakan kesatuan hereditas m.h”

Structural sel:
                Sel dibagi menjadi 2:       1. Prokariotik
                                                                2. Eukariotik – membran plasma,sitoplasma,dan organel2.
A.      Membrane plasma – merupakan lapisan pembatas antara isi sel dan lingkungan luarnya.
Fungsi :
ü  Melindungi agar isi sel tidak keluar meninggalkan sel
ü  Sebagai reseptor (penerima) rangsangan dari luar sel
ü  Tempat terjadinya biokimiawi (reaksi oksidasi dan respirasi)
ü  Mengontrol zat2 yang boleh masuk/keluar sel.
Membrane plasma besifat semipermeabel atau selektif permeable.
Membrane plasma tersusun dari lipoprotein        lemak fosfolipid        fosfat
                                                                                                                 Protein                                         lipid
B.      Sitoplasma – cairan yang terdapat dalam sel dan terletak diluar inti sel.
Sitoplasma terdiri dari         cairan ,disebut litosol,karena mengandung RNA dan protein.
                                                     Padatan ,adalah organel2.
                Fungsi :
ü  Tempat reaksi kimia sel
ü  Terapungnya beberapa organel2 sel.
C.      Organel-organel
Dibedakan menjadi 2 :
v  Organel sel bermembran
*      Nucleus (inti sel) – yang mengatur segala aktivitas sel,karena dalam inti sel terdapat kromosom berupa DNA untuk melakukan sintesis protein.
Dibagi menjadi 3,yaitu :
·         Selaput inti (karioteka) – terdiri dari selaput ganda ; sebagai pembungkus/pelindung inti.
·         Cairan inti (nukleoplasma) – cairan inti berupa gel.
·         Anak inti (nucleolus) – tersusun dari fosfoprotein,DNA dan enzim. Berperan dalam sintesis protein.
*      Reticulum Endoplasma – sebuah system membrane yang berlipat-lipat dan bersatu dengan membrane sel dan membrane inti.
Dibagi menjadi 2, yaitu :
·         RE kasar (ditempeli ribosom) – alat transportasi protein
·         RE halus (tidak ditempeli ribosom) – menyintesis lipid,fosfolipid dan steroid.
*      Badan golgi – berbentuk seperti kantung yang pipih,dibatasi oleh membrane.
Fungsi :
·         Membentuk membrane sel dan dinding sel tumbuhan.
·         Membentuk kantung (vakuola) pada sel kelenjar.
·         Membentuk akrosom pada spermatozoa,kuning telur pada sel telur,dan lisosom.
·         Tempat pembentukan zat2 sekresi.
*      Mitokondria – terlindung oleh membrane ganda. Terdapat pada semua sel eukariotik,sebagai tempat respirasi aerob sel.
*      Lisosom – organel kecil yang terbungkus oleh selapis membrane,berisi enzim hidrolitik yang disebut lisozim,untuk mencerna zat2 yang masuk ke dalam sel.
Fungsi :
·         Melakukan pencernaan intrasel oleh isozim.
·         Autolysis (penghancuran diri sel dengan membebaskan semua isi lisozim dr dalam sel)
·         Autofagi (penyingkiran struktur2 yang tidak dikehendaki oleh sel)
·         Eksositosis (pembebasan enzim keluar sel).
*      Badan mikro
Dibagi menjadi 2,yaitu :
·         Peroksisom – terdapat pada sel tumbuhan dan hewan. Terdapat enzim katalase yang menguraikan H2O2 menjadi oksigen dan air.
·         Glioksisom – terdapat pada sel tumbuhan. Terdapat enzim yang mengubah lemak menjadi gula.
*      Plastida – hanya terdapat pada sel tumbuhan,dibedakan menjadi 3 :
·         Kloroplas – plastid yg memiliki pigmen warna hijau.
·         Kromoplas – plastid yg memiliki pigmen
·         Leukoplas – plastid yang tidak memiliki pigmen
*        Amioplas – menyimpan amilum
*        Aleioplas – menyimpan lemak/minyak
*        Proteoplas – menyimpan protein
*      Vakuola – rongga berisi cairan yang dikelilingi membrane selapis.
Fungsi :
·         Menyimpan minyak atsiri
·         Menyimpan pigmen
·         Menyimpan sisa metabolism
·         Tempat cadangan makanan.
v  Organel sel tak bermembran
*      Ribosom – terdapat pada sitoplasma secara bebas dan terikat oleh RE.
Ribosom tersusun atas RNA dan protein.
*      Sitoskeleton,dibagi menjadi 3 :
·         Mikrotubulus – berbentuk tabung berongga,tersusun dari molekul tubulin. Berfungsi : mempertahankan bentuk sel,membentuk flagel,silis dan sentriol.
·         Mikrofilamen – berbentuk serat tipis panjang,tersusun dari protein aktin dan myosin.
·         Filament intermediet – tersusun dari fimetin,tp ada juga yg tersusun dr protein keratin. Berfungsi :  mempertahankan bentuk sel, tempat bertautnya nucleus dan organel lain.
Fungsi :
·         Kerangka sel
·         Membantu gerakan substansi

·         Member kekuatan mekanik pada sel.



Street painting, also commonly known as pavement artstreet art, and sidewalk art, is the performance art of rendering original and non-original artistic designs on pavement such as streets, sidewalks, and town squares with impermanent and semi-permanent materials such as chalk.


The origins of modern street painting can be traced to Britain. Pavement artists were found all over the United Kingdom and by 1890 it was estimated that more than 500 artists were making a full-time living from pavement art in London alone.
The British term for pavement artist is "screever". The term is derived from the writing style, often Copperplate, that typically accompanied the works of pavement artists since the 1700s. The term screever is most commonly cited as Shakespearean slang dating from around 1500.
The works of screevers often were accompanied by poems and proverbs, lessons on morality, and political commentary on the day’s events. They were described as "producing a topical, pictorial newspaper of current event." They appealed to both the working people, who (on the whole) could not read or write, but understood the visual images; and to the educated members of the middle-classes who appreciated the moral lessons and comments. It was important for a screever to catch the eye of the ‘well to do’ and in turn attract the pennies donated for their efforts.
Street painters, (also called chalk artists) a name these performance artists are most commonly called in the United States are called I Madonnari in Italy (singular form: madonnaro or madonnara) because they recreated images of the Madonna. In Germany Strassenmaler (street: straßen, painter: maler).


In 1972 the first 'Italian' International Street Painting Competition was held in Grazie di Curtatone, Italy. It is part of a two-week festival celebrating the Assumption with the streets of the city being turned over to the festival.The first recorded street-painting competition and 'festival' was held in London in 1906.
In 1987, Wenner and Manfred Stader introduced street painting to Old Mission Santa Barbara, California.
One of the largest events in the United States is the Lake Worth Street Painting Festival, held in Lake Worth Florida. Started in 1994, it attracts 100,000 visitors over the weekend to see 250 works of art by over 400 artists
In 2012, A company called We Talk Chalk, lead by artists Melanie Stimmell, Julie Kirk, and Remco Van Latum, introduced the art of 3-D street painting to countries such as Israel and Thailand. The city of Chiang Mai hosted their first street painting festival in March 2012. To celebrate the ninetieth anniversary of Tel Aviv suburb Ramat Hasharon, Israeli and 8 International artists from 'We Talk Chalk' used 3-D chalk drawings to transform Bialik Street into an urban art compound. The festival had as many as 50,000 visitors, including Israel’s President Shimon Peres who posed with paintings by Melanie Stimmell and Ruben Poncia..



Doodling is not only a great way to pass the time during a boring class, but it can help you improve your artistic skills and find your passion. As long as you relax and let your hand do the thinking, you'll be on your way to having original, funny, or even gorgeous doodles. If you want to know how to doodle, just follow these steps...

Method 1 of 2: Learn the Basics of Doodling

  1. 1
    Have the right tools. If you want to be a master doodler, then you should be prepared to doodle wherever you go. Inspiration -- or boredom -- can strike at any moment, not just in your third period history class, so you should always be prepared to start doodling. You should always carry a notebook around, along with a few tools. You can begin with a few basic tools and use more artistic tools as your doodling skills improve. Here are some great tools to doodle with:
    • Simple supplies:
      • Pencil
      • Ink Pen
      • Highlighter
      • Marker
      • Ballpoint pen
    • Artist supplies:
      • Charcoal
      • Chalk
      • Coloured Pencils
      • Paint
      • Pastels
    Get inspired. As soon as you feel the urge to doodle, just put your pen to the paper and get started. Whether you're thinking of an act, an event, a feeling, a person, a place, a song, or even your own name, you should just put your pen to the paper and start drawing to see what you come up with. When the urge to doodle strikes, don't ignore it (unless it's not appropriate for you to doodle), or the feeling may pass.
    • You'll find that you can also become inspired after you begin to doodle. You don't have to wait for the feeling that tells you to doodle -- you can just start doodling and feel the inspiration seep into your pores.
    Associate freely. You don't have to stick to doodling just flowers, puppies, or your own last name. You can start by doodling a garden of flowers, then think of your best friend Mary Flowers and start drawing her pet poodle, Pork Chop, who makes you think of the delicious pork chop dinner you had last night...just start with one image and keep drawing whatever pops into your head.
    • You don't have to stick to one theme or concept. No one is judging you -- and it's likely that no one will even see your doodles, so feel free to draw whatever you want.
    Method 2 of 2: Doodle a Variety of Objects
  2. 1
    Doodle flowers. Flowers are a popular item for doodling because there are endless variety of flowers and they are fun and easy to draw. Here are some ways you can draw flowers:
    • Draw a vase and fill it with your own bouquet of flowers.
    • Draw a garden that is filled with unique flowers.
    • Draw a field of sunflowers with a sun shining down on them.
    • Draw a rose bush surrounded by rose petals.
    • Draw daisies. Cross off some of the petals and play "He loves me, he loves me not."
    • Write your own name or another word in simple flowers.

    Doodle faces. Faces are more complicated to draw than most flowers, but you'll feel rewarded when you've truly learned to draw a face. You can draw the face of your teacher or your classmate, or just have fun drawing a random face. Here are some other ways to doodle faces:
    • Practice drawing almost the same face with different expressions. This will help you get to know the face you're doodling.
    • Doodle a face of a person you know from memory, whether it's your crush or favorite celebrity. Later, you can compare the doodle to the actual person and see how well you did.
    • Doodle parts of a face. Draw an entire page of eyeballs, lips, or noses, and see how much you learn.
    • Doodle a caricature. Draw a face with silly, exaggerated features.
    Doodle your name. Your name is another popular thing to doodle. There are a variety of ways to doodle your name, whether you're writing it over and over again in the same way, or writing your name in a completely new way every time. Here are some ways to doodle your name:
    • Write your name in cursive. Try writing it with exaggerated loops.
    • Try writing your name as small as you possibly can while making it still legible.
    • Write different versions of your name that abbreviate your first, middle, or last name. For example: "Jean M. Carmen," "J. M. Carmen," or "Jean Marie C."
    • Write your first name along with the last name of your crush. This will help you see if you're a match made in heaven.
    • Write your name in big block letters. Decorate the block letters with vines, stars, planets, or hearts.
    • Write your name in bubble letters. Have soap bubbles floating off the top of your name.
    Doodle animals. Animals are another fun thing to doodle, and there are endless possibilities to covering your pages with cute or scary creatures. You can draw your pet dog, create a creature of your own, or even turn an ordinary kitty into a monster. Here are some other ways to doodle animals:
    • Doodle underwater creatures. Draw an ocean and place all of the underwater creatures you can think of, from jellyfish to sharks, in this fun seascape.
    • Doodle jungle creatures. Create your own jungle filled with parakeets, monkeys, snakes, and any jungle creatures you can think of.
    • Turn ordinary creatures into monsters. Doodle a collection of cute kitties, puppies, and bunnies, and then have fun giving them fangs, evil eyes, and devil's horns.
    • Doodle your favorite pet. Are you obsessed with your dog? Draw him in a variety of cute poses.
    • Doodle your dream pet. Draw the pet you'd like to have the most, even if it's completely impractical. You can even name him and write his name around him in bubble letters.
    • Doodle a hybrid creature. Draw a dog with a lamb's head, a leopard with a peacock's tail, or a fish with an alligator snout.
    Doodle what you see. Have fun doodling whatever you see in front of you, whether it's your teacher, your classmates, the board, or the world outside your classroom. You can find a lot of originality in the ordinary objects right in front of you. Here are some other things to doodle:
    • The contents of your pencil case
    • The expression on your teacher's face
    • The clouds or sun outside your window
    • The trees outside your window
    • Anything hanging on the wall in front of you
    • Your other hand
    Doodle what you hear. A fun way to free associate while you're doodling is to listen to whatever your teacher or the people around you are saying and to doodle the things that you're hearing about. Here are some ways to doodle what you hear:
    • Doodle a historical figure. If your teacher is talking about George Washington, draw him in a variety of poses.
    • Doodle a person you've never met. If you hear two people discussing a person with a funny name, just imagine what he would look like and draw him.
    • Doodle a concept. What do you think of when your teacher says, "embargo" or "bell curve"? You don't have to doodle what the object actually is -- just doodle what it makes you picture in your head.
    • Doodle a song. Did someone walk into the classroom with that song that always gets stuck in your head blaring from his headphones? Draw whatever it is the song makes you think about.
    Create your own doodle world. As you become a more experienced doodler, you can create your own world, with your own people, your own animals, your own buildings, and your own trees in it. As you become more experienced, your creatures, thoughts, and people will begin to take on their own form and everyone will be able to recognize them as yours.
    • Once you're a professional doodler, you can spread your love for doodling to others. Become an after-school doodle coach and share your love for doodling with others.
    • You can even name your own world something like, "Megland," or "Walt's World," and write this name on top of your doodles.
    • You can create a collage of your doodles in your room by taping the pages to your wall and being proud of all the doodling you've done.

    • TIPS
    • If you are short on inspiration -and exceptionally good at drawing- just draw what's around you. Stare at one point and try to copy it on your paper.
    • Doodles can be as simple as patterns or a complex and a room full of items.
    • Don't think about what other people will think. Just focus on your drawing, and go with your instincts.
    • Be simple or give lots of detail. Make it small or huge.
    • Try using different kinds of fillings for some solid objects or add lines to the edges of a drawing or piece of art to add a 3-D effect.
    • The world is your inspiration!
    • Use your mistakes as a guideline or just a decorative touch to your "work of art"
    • Don't worry about erasing - just keep on doodling! Use your "mistakes" to guide your doodles in a more creative direction by drawing over the "mistake" or turning the "mistake" into another object.
    • Be creative and draw real-life objects, but give them a smiling face or a cartoony look. Give them arms and legs, noses and mouths, even some hair!
    • If you notice that you doodle one item very often, try to make an effort to change it up and stretch your creativity a step farther